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Our Corporate Governance

Sophie Bille Brahe recognises the importance of good corporate governance and behavior. Sophie Bille Brahe aims  to ensure transparency and accountability and all aspects of our business to ensure that the company fulfills its obligations to shareholders, customers, consumers, employees, authorities, and other key stakeholders to the best of its ability in order to make long-term value and positive impact.

Code of Conduct

Sophie Bille Brahe is committed to ethical business practices. Our Code of Conduct represents the standard of conduct which all our Suppliers and business partners are expected to meet in their business endeavor’s.

Review our Code of Conduct.



Sophie Bille Brahe is committed to conducting business with integrity and to ensure that we live up to our standards and that we adress any breaches that may happen through our organisation swiftly. If you believe that laws, codes, or policies are being violated employees and partners are expected to raise your concerns with their immediate reference at Sophie Bille Brahe.  

The whistleblowing system is a channel for raising concerns about suspected serious offences, irregularities of the SBB code of conduct. We encourage everyone who have serious concerns they wish to report, to make use of our Whistleblowing system below.

The whistleblower system is an anonymous channel and any report you make will be kept confidential.

Access our Whistleblower Form.


Sophie Bille Brahe